Cloud - What is that?

What does Cloud mean?

Cloud is a synonym for an IT service (e.g. software) that is provided to the customer in a data center. It is defined primarily by the fact that the associated service (maintenance, updates, etc.) are part of the cloud product.

The goal of these products is savings for the customer: In the case of installations on the customer's own systems, the customer is responsible for the reliability and maintenance of the system, whereas in the case of a cloud product, the provider is responsible.

Everything as a Service (XaaS)

XaaS is a general, collective term that refers to the delivery of products as a service. It represents the large number of products, tools and technologies that vendors are now making available to users as a service over a network - usually the Internet - rather than deploying them locally or on-premises at the enterprise.

There are countless examples of XaaS, but the most common encompass the three general cloud computing models: software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS).

Less on-site IT means less overhead - such as space for equipment, power and cooling. This allows IT staff to focus on more important, value-added projects for the business.


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